Today's typical lifestyle makes it easy to have poor posture. Many spend hours with their heads down texting or looking at social media. We go to work where we sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day. Most workstations are not set up correctly to encourage good...
Stress and Chiropractic Care
The human body and all of its functions are incredibly complex. We have the ability to adapt to physical, mental, and chemical stress at a fundamental level. Our lifestyles create or diminish stress depending on diet, physical activity, attitude, posture, past history...
Sleep and Chiropractic Care
Today, it is commonplace to hear someone say, “I slept horrible last night.” It becomes rare to have a great night’s sleep. Waking up a few times a night is something many of us accept as normal. But this is not normal, not at all. There is a misconception in our...
Adrenal Fatigue and Chiropractic Care
Feeling tired or exhausted? Fatigue is a symptom that is commonly experienced, and those experiencing fatigue often wonder why they are experiencing fatigue. For many, adrenal fatigue may be the answer as to why they are feeling so run down and exhausted. Adrenal...
Strengthen Your Immune System
We all know someone that never seems to get sick and other people that seem to get sick all the time. One of the major reasons some people seem to stay healthy is they have a strong, properly functioning immune system. Without an immune system, there would be nothing...
Ear Infections in Children
At Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic, we see a lot of families and their children. Often parents are surprised when we mention that we regularly give chiropractic adjustments to babies and children. When they stop to think about it, they realize this is healthy common...
Scoliosis and Chiropractic Care
Scoliosis, an abnormal sideways (lateral) curvature of the spine, is typically diagnosed between ages 10-16 and is more common in girls than boys. While a normal spine has an S-shaped curvature (fore and aft) it is not normal for the spine to also bend from...
Text Neck: A Growing Problem in a Digital World
What is Text Neck? Text Neck refers to pain caused by texting that starts in the neck and upper back. Text Neck is a growing problem because so many people, including children, are constantly using smart phones, iPads, handheld computers and video games. Most people...
Children Need Chiropractic Care
Many people often overlook the many benefits chiropractic care can bring children. These benefits include fewer missed days of school due to sickness, better coordination and performance on school sports teams, the ability to concentrate better and pay more attention...
Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care
Recent research on the nervous system has shown subluxations, misalignments in the normal position of the spinal bones may contribute to infertility in women. The study involved a small amount of women who initially sought out a chiropractor for health issues that did...
Heatlh Protocols