Tuckahoe Familiy Chiropractic - Dealing with Pain

Dealing with Pain

Shoulder and Arm Pain

Shoulder and Arm Pain

Chiropractic Care Can Provide Relief from Shoulder Pain The shoulder contains the most mobile joint in your body. It is a shallow ball and socket joint that is held together by the tendons, muscles, and ligaments that surround the joint. Without them, your shoulder...

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Dealing with Leg Pain

Dealing with Leg Pain

The Sciatic Nerve and Leg Pain Sciatic nerve running from lower back down the leg. The sciatic nerve starts in the lower back and runs down your legs into your toes. When there is pressure on this nerve, or it is being pinched, you can experience leg pain that runs...

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Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a frequent problem we help patients with on a daily basis. One of the reasons it is so common to experience lower back pain is the fact that we spend so much time sitting, both at work and at home. Lower back pain is not something to be ignored or...

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