Tuckahoe Familiy Chiropractic - Shoulder Stretches

Shoulder Stretches

Stretches Dr. Lombardozzi Recommends


Home Exercise Program Created by Andrew Lombardozzi, DC, June 2nd, 2020


stretch in the back of the upper arm

Bring the involved arm across the chest. Grasp the elbow and pull toward the chest until you feel a stretch in the back of the upper arm and shoulder.

Hold 10 seconds; relax; repeat.- Repeat 1 Time Hold 10 Seconds

Complete 5 Sets Perform 2 Times

Wall Assist Upper Back Stretch

While standing, find an immovable object and place arms slightly wider than shoulder-width. While keeping your back flat (don’t let it arch in order to keep the integrity of the spine and focus the stretch on the trapezius), begin to flex at the hip and bend slightly at the knees.

Targeted Muscles: 

Upper and middle trapezius, rhomboids, posterior deltoids. 

Repeat 2 Times Hold 15 Seconds 

Complete 1 Set Perform 2 Times a Day

Chest / Pectoralis Major & Minor Stretch

Stand in a doorway. Place the hand of the shoulder to be 

stretched flat against the doorway with the shoulder to be 

stretched away from your body (at a 90 degree angle or parallel with the floor) 

– Place the inside of the bent arm on the surface of the wall. 

– Gently turn your body away from the arm that is being stretched – Progress by moving your arm slightly higher up door jam 

– Hint: You can stretch the upper chest by lowering your elbow 

Hold 10 Seconds 

Complete 5 Sets Perform 2 Times a Day

Parallel Arm Chest Stretch

Stand parallel to a solid structure (wall, doorway, or pole), and 

have arm at full extension. With a slow and controlled movement, 

turn the torso away from the arm that is being actively stretched. 

Muscles targeted: 

Pectoralis major/minor, biceps brachii, and forearm muscle 


Repeat 2 Times Hold 15 Seconds 

Complete 1 Set. Perform 2 Times a Day


Heatlh Protocols
