Client experiences and success stories with our chiropractic care.
“The reason I brought my son Seth to Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic was that he would constantly extend his neck back which would make a cracking sound. It sounded like he was disconnecting his skull from his spine. At first I tried ignoring it, but it turned into something he would do constantly, sometimes not realizing he was doing it. He also had a “purr” tick as a side effect from the Adderall he is taking.
Seth’s birth was traumatic which may have caused the misalignments in his spine. Almost immediately after starting care I noticed Seth was nicer. He was able to sit still a little longer. After only 7 visits Seth seemed more “normal” and functional as a 7 year old. He no longer had the “purr” tick. Even better, Seth’s social behavior has improved and his circle of friends has expanded.
Seth has stopped “cracking” his neck and his social behavior has improved so dramatically he doesn’t need his ADHD meds 7 days a week! He is able to take a med break on Sundays. I’m so happy that Seth can have 1 day without a drug for ADHD. Thank you so much Dr. Lombardozzi.”
Doctors Notes:
I first met Seth’s mom doing a spinal screening at a local vitamin shoppe. She came over for a complimentary screening where I had her fill out a survey about her over health and whether she had any health issues. I explained to her that as a Chiropractor our focus is the nervous system which is protected by the spine, and that any spinal mis-alignments could interfere with nerves resulting in a variety of health problems and symptoms. The goal of Chiropractic is to address the underlying cause and correct it, so that the body has a better opportunity to function, and thus heal!
Seth had severe mis-alignments in the top two cervical (neck) vertebrae. Often times, pressure on these nerves can have a profound impact on brain function, causing hyperactivity. If you have a family member or know someone that suffers with ADHD, visiting a Chiropractor may help. Looking for a Richmond Chiropractor, call 804-740-3434 to schedule an appointment.
I came to see Dr. Lombardozzi for radiculopathy in my left and right arms that I had suffered from for two years. I had been to a physical therapist twice when I could not lift my head off the pillow due to severe pain. I could not dig a hole to plant vegetable plants without having to take a muscle relaxer. After chiropractic adjustments with Dr. Lombardozzi, my radiculopathy pain has disappeared. When I finished physical therapy, I could still feel the pinched nerve in my neck and knew that the radiculopathy would return. I don’t have that feeling now and I am able to work in the garden without any painful side effects.
I suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and when I started adjustments I was very uptight. I could not sleep through the night. I was taking two anti-anxiety/depression medications. I am now off all medications (depression, thyroid, and Nexium for GERD). I am using natural supplements which are keeping me calm without any side effects and allow me to sleep through the night. I use a daily, positive affirmation that Dr. A handed out at a workshop to help keep me positive and upbeat. Dr. A loaned me a book by Dr. John De Martini that helped me to focus on my emotional blockages and what issues I need to work on to help cope with stress in my life. I enjoyed it so much that I have purchased other books by Dr. De Martini. Chiropractic adjustments have helped me more with depression in four months than medication has in over 24 years.
My right knee was in severe pain when I leaned on it and I walked with a limp. My primary doctor had recommended I take Naproxen daily and recommend I see a surgeon if the pain continued. Dr. A stretched and pulled on my right leg until the swelling and pain disappeared and his prescribed leg exercises helped to strengthen my legs so it would not return. Highly recommend patients attend Dr. Lombardozziís workshops. The nutritional information has been invaluable. I have lost 15 lbs by switching to Celtic sea salt and coconut oil. I have given up sugar for stevia which means I don’t have to worry about dumping syndrome anymore as a recovering gastric bypass patient. I started drinking water to help make the chiropractic adjustments take better and I am now in the habit of drinking it every day. My fellow co-workers and doctors have noticed the positive changes that I have experienced due to Dr.Lombardozzi’s guidance. I started practicing Hot Yoga to continue to build on the recovery that I have made with Dr. Lombardozzi’s chiropractic adjustments.
Doctors Notes:
Radiculopathy refers to pain that radiates from the spine to the extremities. Often times this is experienced down the arms into the hands and fingers or down the legs into the toes, also know as “sciatica” when it involves the lower back and legs. The cause is often due to irritation to the nerves that exit through the vertebrae. Visiting a Chiropractor is a great choice because we address the root cause and correct it.
I first consulted Dr. Andy Lombardozzi because I had unbearable pain in the lower part of my back. It was so painful I could hardly walk. At some points it almost carried me down to the floor. Prior to coming to see Dr. Andy I tried Tylenol Arthritis. It relieved the pain for awhile, but the pain kept coming back.
The results that I have noticed in this office from the adjustments are major. The most noticeable change is that my back does not hurt anymore. I have minimal amounts of pain in my legs after getting up in the mornings. Now that I come to Dr. Andy I can walk better without a frown on my face. I feel much better, my legs are not hurting like they used to. Chiropractic care has improved the quality of my life for the better I now have a different attitude about myself. My chiropractor has encouraged me to do exercises and get all of my adjustments. My performance has improved my time at work as well because I can perform my work duties better without my back and legs aching. If you’re looking for a Chiropractor in Richmond, Virginia I highly recommend Dr. Lombardozzi.
Doctors Notes:
Sciatica can be described as pain, numbness, tingling, or a burning sensation that appears either in the thigh, leg or foot. The nerves that branch out from the lumbar spine form what is called the sciatic nerve, it’s the largest nerve in the body, and travels all the way down to the toes. Subluxations and irritation to this nerve can result in symptoms listed above. Chiropractors specialize in correcting irritation to sciatic nerve naturally. If you know a friend or loved one suffering with sciatica recommend Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic in Richmond, we can help! Call 804- 740-3434 for a free Chiropractic consultation.
My interest perked during a brief encounter with Dr. Lombardozzi at the Richmond Watermelon festival. For years i had been suffering with migraines, arm, neck, lower back pain and Fibromyalgia. Prior to seeing a chiropractor I tried over the counter drugs, vitamins – mostly Tylenol. This only relieved problems for a short period of time and gave me minimal relief. Since i started getting adjusted I have had one migraine in the past month where as before I’d have 3 to 4 a week. My arthritis pain has decreased and my neck stiffness has decreased significantly.
Now I have more energy and body flexibility to perform everyday tasks and I’m sleeping better. I have far less discomfort overall. My pain from Fibromyalgia has dissipated so i’m able to sleep through the night which makes every day better. Since seeing a Chiropractor I’m more active and the consistent tiredness and lack of energy are far less prevalent.
Doctors Note:
Arthritis can be extremely painful and often times limits one from enjoying what-ever it is they like to do. Often times arthritis can lead to neck pain and low back pain, which often times leads them to visit a Chiropractor. Chiropractic adjustments are very helpful with those suffering from arthritis. Receiving a Chiropractic adjustment, allows for greater range of motion, and may help reduce pain and inflammation. After all, feeling better leads to being more active and resulting in a happier you! If you know someone who suffers from arthritis and has never been to a Chiropractor, recommend Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic. We’ll do a complimentary consultation to determine whether Chiropractic will help. Call 804-740-3434 to schedule an appointment today.
I had been looking for a chiropractor for a long time and was drawn in by the friendly demeanor.The great service kept me hooked. Before I came to Dr. Andy Lombardozzi I was doing the whole “sucking it up” and that did not work I could only ignore pain to a certain extent.
Since I have been going to see Dr. Andy Lombardozzi I have noticed that I have less pain overall and the biggest difference is that I no longer have to take my allergy medication regularly. My quality of life has improved since I have seen Dr. Andy Lombardozzi. I stand taller, I walk straighter and I have less medication that I am taking and polluting with my body.
My day to day life is better and pain free. I am glad that Dr. Andy goes out and does the public events. I am much better overall now that I have gone to see him. I would suggest that everyone goes to see a chiropractor
I came to Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic three years ago with pain radiating from my right shoulder down to my fingers. I had used pain relievers to treat my condition in the past. However, the medicine did not give me enough relief from the pain, nor did they help increase my small range of motion. Since getting adjusted, I have been relieved of all my pain and have gotten complete mobility back into my shoulder and arm. I also have more energy and am able to lead a more active life. I play with my kids and have no pain! This is why I have continued to come to Dr. Andy all these years to keep myself well.
Notes from the Richmond Chiropractor at Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic:
Radicular pain traveling from the neck down the arm and often involving the fingers, is often caused by irritation to the nerves exiting the vertebrae in the neck. This condition is commonly diagnosed as “Cervical Radiculitis.” People experiencing radicular pain down the arm commonly visit a Chiropractor, and respond well with Chiropractic adjustments. If you know someone suffering from radicular pain down the arm have them call Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic in Richmond, VA for a free consultation at 804-740-3434.
I met Dr. Andy at Ukrop's as he was providing patrons of the store with a free Spinal Examination utilizing a computerized Ultrasound device that detected potential and actual problem areas within the spine. Andy ended up running with me at some time, completed the Rock and Roll Marathon this Summer, and just completed the SunTrust Marathon this past weekend.
I strained/sprained my back this past Fall and was in serious pain. Traditional Medicine, including medications, did not bring me any relief and no sense of functioning or hope. I did receive Medical Massage, which did offer some relief, but I believe that I was too damaged to truly benefit from that healing touch. After just my first session with Andy, my back pain was dramatically reduced and I was actually able to return to the gym and perform Cardio and lift weights. I am to back running!
Meet Ernestine, one of Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic’s newest and oldest patients! She is 98 years old and has been an exciting addition to our practice since moving to Richmond. Ernestine has had a remarkable chiropractic journey. She has been seeing a chiropractor for the last 70 years, long before the profession was as well know and credible as it is today. She has seen a chiropractor for all of her aches and pains throughout life. At her age, most would be using walkers or wheelchairs, while she rarely uses a cane. Ernestine contributes her health to her continued chiropractic care. When she first came to the office, she had not been to a chiropractor for a few months since moving to Richmond. She was having foot and leg pain resulting from a fall. She was giving a shot by the medical doctor but found no relief. Since coming to Dr. Andy, her foot and leg pain have been exponentially better, and she also believes her hearing has begun to improve.
In addition, Ernestine has an ideal cervical curve, as shown in the picture above. This is referred to in the chiropractic profession as the “arc of life.” For a person of her age to have this curve is very rare. We see patients in their 20s with reverse curvature of the neck. This can cause severe problems, and not just neck pain. Headaches, sinus problems, dizziness, migraines, fatigue, allergies, hand and finger numbness or tingling, high blood pressure and further in the future, cardiovascular problems. These problems occur because when the vertebrae in the neck are curved the wrong way, this puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, which can cause health problems throughout the body.
Chiropractic adjustments can be a huge factor in bringing back your ideal cervical curve. Call to make your appointment at Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic today to learn more about how chiropractic can help you.
My shoulder “locked” up and caused extreme pain with any movement. Instead of relying on medication to relax my muscle, my mother made an appointment with Dr. Andy in Richmond, VA. I was skeptical of chiropractic. This was my first problem with joints or muscles I had ever encountered. I used an anti-inflammatory and it helped a little but it did not fix the problem. The pain in my shoulder completely went away and I learned that the position of my cervical spine was causing back pain and muscle pain in my shoulders. I had no idea what chiropractic was, that the nervous system controls everything in the body and that the key to overall health was a properly functioning nervous system.
I feel much better. I have more energy and fewer headaches. The knots I thought were normal have almost completely diminished. My PMS symptoms have decreased significantly.
Since I feel healthy I embrace each day fully, I have a more positive and happy outlook. I can handle stress without feeling depressed. I have revisited my yoga practice while coming to see Dr. Andy. I enjoy the benefits I am receiving. I am more efficient and accomplished with my goals. With the combination of chiropractic and yoga I feel much more healthy and graceful. Thank you Dr. Andy!