Tuckahoe Familiy Chiropractic - Back Pain

Back Pain


I came to Tuckahoe family chiropractic with extreme neck pain, back pain and foot pain. Before coming here I had tried everything, orthopedist, podiatry, massages, and none of it worked 100%. After going through care now for a couple months my plantar fasciitis is...

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I met Dr. Andy at Ukrop's as he was providing patrons of the store with a free Spinal Examination utilizing a computerized Ultrasound device that detected potential and actual problem areas within the spine. Andy ended up running with me at some time, completed the...

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I first met Dr. Lombardozzi at a health talk that he provided for us at our home. My back had been bothering me for awhile. Just walking around caused me a lot of back pain, and I was falling more which made me nervous. Being 89 years old, I thought this was part of...

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I first came to Dr. Andy with pain throughout my entire spine. I had neck pain and stiffness radiating into my shoulder, along with pain in my lower back and hips that stretched to my mid back. Yoga helped a little but did not give me the relief I needed. I had seen a...

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