Tuckahoe Familiy Chiropractic - Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain


I came to Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic suffering from low back pain, headaches, and just general body achiness. I had tried Tylenol and used heating pads but nothing eased the pain. Since being adjusted by Dr. Andy I feel so much better. I have almost no pain in my...

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The reason I made an appointment with Dr. Andy at Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic was that I was experiencing excruciating low back pain for quite some time. Before seeing a Chiropractor I had tried many solutions including physical therapy and other chiropractors, none...

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I first consulted Dr. Andy Lombardozzi because I had unbearable pain in the lower part of my back. It was so painful I could hardly walk. At some points it almost carried me down to the floor. Prior to coming to see Dr. Andy I tried Tylenol Arthritis. It relieved the...

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I came into Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic with low back pain. I had tried going to my MD, where they did scans and gave me medications to try and help, but it didn't fully get rid of the pain. After going through care with Dr. Lombardozzi I'm experiencing relief of the...

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