“The reason I brought my son Seth to Tuckahoe Family Chiropractic was that he would constantly extend his neck back which would make a cracking sound. It sounded like he was disconnecting his skull from his spine. At first I tried ignoring it, but it turned into something he would do constantly, sometimes not realizing he was doing it. He also had a “purr” tick as a side effect from the Adderall he is taking.
Seth’s birth was traumatic which may have caused the misalignments in his spine. Almost immediately after starting care I noticed Seth was nicer. He was able to sit still a little longer. After only 7 visits Seth seemed more “normal” and functional as a 7 year old. He no longer had the “purr” tick. Even better, Seth’s social behavior has improved and his circle of friends has expanded.
Seth has stopped “cracking” his neck and his social behavior has improved so dramatically he doesn’t need his ADHD meds 7 days a week! He is able to take a med break on Sundays. I’m so happy that Seth can have 1 day without a drug for ADHD. Thank you so much Dr. Lombardozzi.”
Doctors Notes:
I first met Seth’s mom doing a spinal screening at a local vitamin shoppe. She came over for a complimentary screening where I had her fill out a survey about her over health and whether she had any health issues. I explained to her that as a Chiropractor our focus is the nervous system which is protected by the spine, and that any spinal mis-alignments could interfere with nerves resulting in a variety of health problems and symptoms. The goal of Chiropractic is to address the underlying cause and correct it, so that the body has a better opportunity to function, and thus heal!
Seth had severe mis-alignments in the top two cervical (neck) vertebrae. Often times, pressure on these nerves can have a profound impact on brain function, causing hyperactivity. If you have a family member or know someone that suffers with ADHD, visiting a Chiropractor may help. Looking for a Richmond Chiropractor, call 804-740-3434 to schedule an appointment.